Our Products and Services
Chiropractic care and procedures are suitable for both children and adults. Adjustment techniques (upper cervical, full spine & extremities) are tailored based on individual needs, depending on clinical findings, scan results and/or analysis and assessment of conditions. The ultimate goal is for the nervous system to be free from any interference, so that your body can heal naturally.
Dr. Nicholas Lim, Dr. Of Chiropractic, USA* (*Not a Medical or Dental Qualification) Chiropractic, recognised by WHO as a separate and distinct profession, is not a medical or dental qualification.
We offer:
Main Services
- Chiropractic consultation & posture scans
- Analysis & assessments of conditions and effects
- Specific adjustments for Zone Technique
- Manual adjustments for health problems linked to upper cervical spine/neck, full spine, upper and lower extremities
- Health maintenance adjustments
- Analysis & interpretation of chiropractic X-rays
- Chiropractic, recognised by WHO as a separate and distinct profession, is not a medical or dental qualification. Chiropractic may help to manage these conditions. When in doubt, always see your medical doctor before starting or stopping any regime(s) relating to your health.
Other Services
- Orthotics consultation, foot scan, analysis, assessments and leg/foot adjustments
- Nutrition consultation and supplements
- Myofascial release, with add-on adjustment (skeletal muscle immobility and pain)
- Training for home management and self-care
- House/hospital call and home-based treatments