Dietary Tips to Reduce Pain and Inflammation and Complement Chiropractic Visits

Inflammation is a major component in most pain conditions, such as rheumatic pain conditions or rheumatic diseases. It is advisable to eat a good amount of right food that reduces inflammation and to reduce the consumption of those that contains inflammatory agents.

We offer you some simple dietary advice that will help reduce rheumatic conditions, and help you live well.


Things You Should Eat to Reduce Pain and Rheumatic Pain

Fish, especially fatty fish, fish oil, olive oil, walnut oil and rapeseed oil should form part of your main diet. The fat in these types of food, especially Omega-3-poly-unsaturated fat, reduces inflammation. If you add these oils to your diet, you should reduce the intake of other types of fat, so that you do not get too much fat into your system. You should also eat more vegetables, as these contribute to your overall body chemistry that helps to reduce inflammation.

Omega 3 is essential for human health. Dieticians no longer recommend eating fresh fish to get your Omega 3 dose. The mercury levels that are prevalent in almost all fresh fish these days can be very detrimental to your health. Hence, many pharma companies have manufactured fish oils that are mercury free by processing the oils that naturally occur in the fish.

Omega 3 contains two fatty acids that benefit the human body greatly, known as DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid). As your body can only make a small amount of DHA from other fatty acids, you need to consume it directly from food (oily fish like salmon and anchovies) or supplements.

DHA and EPA can help prevent heart diseases, cancer, and many other diseases. DHA is also required by the human brain. Low levels of DHA in the brain can cause depression, schizophrenia, memory loss, and an increased chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease. Regular consumption of Omega 3 fish oils can greatly help affect the quality of your life for the better. Just like Chiropractic, which optimises human potential and your quality of life, Omega 3 does the same.

Things You Should Not Eat Too Much of

Do not consume corn, soy, sunflower and vegetable oils, which are relatively cheaper oils, as these can increase inflammation. Most ready-to-eat food that you buy from factories, eateries or restaurants contain these types of fat. You should therefore reduce the consumption of food you do not cook yourself. Be your own chef to be well!

Bread, cereals and products made of corn or cereals also increase the inflammatory response, especially if they contain wheat. Wheat causes a special type of inflammation in the intestines called celiac disease in some individuals, but may also trigger inflammation of non-celiac type. Full-corn cereals and full-corn bread, however, can be valuable types of food: so, you should not stop eating them altogether. If you like to eat bread or corn products at every meal, you should reduce your intake of these and eat more potatoes, beans and peas, to balance your diet.

Things You Should Ideally Not Eat At All

You should not consume ‘chemically-altered’ fats that give it consistency for food production. These fats have very negative effects on your health, and may be very potent inflammatory agents. Margarine, popcorn, snacks, fast food and ready-made cakes or cookies often contain such fat. Unfortunately, the humble bread is often not a healthy staple. A good idea is to bake your bread!

Proper Nutrition with Chiropractic Adjustments, as well as exercising regularly, can be a big help to improve the quality of your life, to fit the holistic health paradigm.

Your Trusted
Chiropractor Singapore

 Dr. Nicholas Lim, D.C., ANutr, B.Sc.(Hons)

[Dr. of Chiropractic & Nutritionist]

 WhatsApp :+65 9352 8828

Telephone : +65 6970 8152

Email :


Say No to Pain and Live Well!

Do you feel lethargic and experience Pain during your Work-from-Home routine? If you do, then you may have certain imbalances in your body or misalignments of your musculoskeletal functions and posture.

We want to help you get you out of Pain immediately before anything more serious happens. How can you help yourself?


Pain is never welcomed; neither is it the enemy.  Pain is sometimes a necessary evil to enable you to know what has gone wrong with your body or if any of your daily activity/ies is/are irritating your condition(s). Pain is there to help us be more sensitive to our bodies.  If the pain is chronic or serious, you do need professional help to adjust your musculoskeletal functions, posture or spine to relieve your conditions.

I have outlined several recommendations to help you feel and live better prior to and after seeing a chiropractor.

Key Tips to Live Better

  1. Sleep on your back. Sleeping on your back has the least pressure on the muscular and nervous system. If you are a side sleeper, instead of rolling from side to side, make a ‘pit stop’ on the back before you go to the other side.
  2. Sit with a lumbar support. As much as possible, use a lumbar support while sitting on the couch, at your desk or in the car. This accentuates the natural arches of the spine and helps to pull the head back over the body. This may feel awkward at first, but you will soon be used to it. If it starts to hurt, take it out.
  3. Don’t ‘look down’ at your phone/iPad/PC. We are all hooked to our beloved electronic gadgets. ‘Looking down’ at your gadgets continually causes extra spinal cord pressure, especially if your cervical spine has lost all, or some of its curve. Use a phone, iPad and notebook stand to maintain eye-level view of your gadgets.
  4. Eliminate deep-fried and inflammatory food. These include food with high oil, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sodas, sweet fruit juices, high-sugar fruits and gluten (anything with wheat, such as bread, cakes, crackers, pastry, ‘kuehs’ and cereals). I am not saying you cannot ever have it, but if you want to get out of pain right now, cut it! Instead, eat plenty of non-sweet fruits and vegetables, and non-deep fried food.
  5. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Water is necessary to support your vital body functions, including your muscles, kidney, digestion, circulation. It helps to lubricate your joints, flush out toxins, as well as aid in weight loss.
  6. Have adequate sleep and rest. In our hectic lives, many of us suffer from sleep deprivation. Adults below 65 years need between 7-9 hours of sleep per day; those above 65 years need 7-8 hours per day; teenagers need 8-10 hours per day; and younger children need 9 hours and more per day. Having adequate sleep is vital for cognitive growth and repair. It also protects your emotional, mental and physical health, well-being and safety.
  7. Think positive and maintain good relationships with people. Get rid of all negative emotions and thoughts! They are health killers and causes of many diseases. People who have positive outlook, thoughts and relationships often enjoy better health, live happier lives and have smoother careers. Positive thinking helps you with better stress management. Studies have shown that personality traits like optimism and pessimism can affect your health and well-being!

Let us help you transform your health, as you take control of your health and life.

Your Trusted
Chiropractor in Singapore

[Dr. of Chiropractic & Nutritionist]

Dr. Nicholas Lim, D.C., ANutr, B.Sc.(Hons)

 WhatsApp :+65 9352 8828

Telephone : +65 6970 8152

Email :